the borreguita crafts
About My Work
I am a creative at heart. As a teen I collaged all of my binder covers, cut things out of magazines to tape to my bedroom walls.—growing up I almost never went to art museums or had much art in our home. During my undergrad in 2012, I took my first screenprinting class and fell in love with it and have been an avid printmaker ever since, showcasing my art through the pacific northwest pop-up community as “The Borreguita Crafts”, an homage to my hair and mixed race heritage. Art has brought me many things: a place of belonging, community, joy, inspiration and healing. My current art practices largely revolve around using printmaking (linocut and screenprinting) as a tool for liberation and community building. I am deeply inspired by artists of the past and present who use their artistic voice to represent the People and document the times that they find themselves in. Much of my current work focuses on portraiture, qtbipoc queer and sexual politics, cultural iconography and fat liberation.